- Village Name: Cha Khan Wala
- Union Council: Mahrah
- District: I.Khan
- Project Implemented By: Change in Education
Village Profile:
The village Cha Khan Wala is situated in U/C Mahrah in District D.I.Khan. The village has 400 households and total population is round about 3000. The majority of the people are poor and do not have access to basic resources & services. The overall social and economic indicators are below national standards. The nearest medical facility is BHU situated at a distance of 06 km from the village.
Sr # | Name of Village | Total H/H | Population | High School
boys |
# of Primary Schools | Middle School
Girls |
Language |
1 | Cha Khan Wala | 400 | 3000 | Nil | 01 Boys 01 Girls | 0l | Sarakai & Pashto |
School Profile
The school is situated in village Cha Khan Wala U/C Mahrah in District D.I.Khan. The school has currently 130 students with 05 teachers & 04 class rooms, 04 Toilets.
Sr # | SCHOOL NAME | Boys
(Base Line) |
New Enrollment | Teaching staff (B/Line) | Teaching staff current | Class Rooms (B/Line) | Class Rooms Current |
1 | GBPS Cha Khan Wala | 125 | 130 | 04 | 05 | 03 | 04 |
C.I.E Interventions in GBPS CHA KHAN WALA
C.I.E addressed issues of the school as per the needs highlighted by the PTC, Change in Education has provided the financial resources to PTC for the Renovation & Rehabilitation of school building civil work includes Construction of front boundary wall 95 Rft, new construction of class room (24’x16’)+(24’x7’), sanitary installation, electric water cooler with filter, 30 desk Bench, 2 teacher tables, wiring 2 class rooms, motor pump water tank and distemper Paint complete School, provides to the school & repairs the existing building. This has also contributed towards C.I.E goals of supporting universal primary education by allowing more children opportunity and access to primary education. The provision of additional class rooms will create physical space to enroll those out of school children whose families cannot afford to send them to private schools. Such children are denied education opportunities when government schools are unable to accommodate them due to space constraints.